
  • 2022
  • Special Report
  • This report shares large employers’ opinions of and experiences with employee benefits carriers. This Briefing is based on the results of an online survey taken by 1000+ HR decision-makers at organizations with 5,000+ employees. This exchange contains similar topics and questions to a special online exchange conducted in Q1 of 2022 among about 1,000 group employee benefits brokers and consultants, and another conducted among employers in Q1 of 2021, and where possible, results of the three studies are compared.
  • 2022
  • Special Report
  • This Briefing explores brokers’ opinions of and experiences with the employee benefits industry, including employee benefits carriers. The information in this report is based on an online survey taken by more than 1,000 employee benefits brokers and consultants in January and February 2022. This exchange contains similar topics and questions to a previous special online exchange conducted in Q1 of 2021, and where possible, results of the two studies are compared.
  • 2022
  • Special Report
  • This Report explores brokers’ use of and experiences with expatriate benefits (i.e. employee benefits, including medical, dental, life or disability insurance for expatriates [or expats] who temporarily or permanently reside in a different country from where they are a citizen), particularly around the impact of COVID19. It is based on an information exchange conducted in November 2021, among 151 brokers, who recommend/sell expatriate benefits to at least one or more clients. This Briefing also includes some previous results on the same topic from an online survey conducted in July 2020.
  • 2021
  • Special Report
  • This report shares large employers’ opinions of and experiences with employee benefits carriers. The information in this report is based on an online survey taken by roughly 750 HR decision makers at organizations with 5,000+ employees. This exchange contains similar topics and questions to a special online exchange conducted in Q1 of 2021 among about 1,000 group employee benefits brokers and consultants, and where possible, results of the two studies are compared.
  • 2021
  • Special Report
  • This Briefing explores brokers’ opinions of and experiences with the employee benefits industry, including employee benefits carriers. The information in this report is based on an online survey taken by more than 1,000 employee benefits brokers and consultants in late December 2020 through February 2021. This exchange contains similar topics and questions to a previous special online exchange conducted in Q1 of 2020, and where possible, results of the two studies are compared.
  • 2020
  • Benefits Briefing
  • This report includes views from employers and brokers regarding group auto and home insurance offerings, important factors when selecting group auto and home carriers, as well as their experience with group auto and home insurance. The information presented is based on an online survey conducted in August & September 2020 which was taken by 145 benefits brokers/consultants and 150 HR professionals.
  • 2020
  • Benefits Briefing
  • This Briefing is based on the results of an online information exchange conducted in July 2020 among more than 600 group employee benefits professionals. Employers and brokers provided feedback on the effects of the COVID19 pandemic on their organizations, jobs, etc. as well as their expectations for its impact on the future.
  • 2020
  • Special Report
  • This Report explores brokers’ use of and experiences with expatriate benefits (i.e. employee benefits, including medical, dental, life or disability insurance for expatriates [or expats] who temporarily or permanently reside in a different country from where they are a citizen), particularly around the impact of COVID19. It is based on an information exchange conducted in June and July 2020, among 180 brokers, who recommend/sell expatriate benefits to at least one or more clients. This Briefing also includes some previous results on the same topic from an online survey conducted in December 2019.